
Retrieves detailed information about specific user (available in users plugin)

This API is used to query all available information about the user.

Querying is possible using uid or device_id.

Uid can be found in user's document in the database.
To query by device id, the request should pass &did=DEVICE_ID and do not pass uid.

This request can provide details as:

  • _id - ID of user
  • uid - internal user ID
  • hasInfo - if there is any info about user
  • name - full name of the user
  • email - email address of the user
  • username - nickname of the user
  • organization - organization user works for or participatesin
  • phone - user's phone number
  • gender - gender of the user, possible values: M or F or null if not known
  • byear - year of birth
  • sc - session count
  • fs - timestamp of first session start
  • ls - timestamp of last session start
  • did - device ID
  • c - carrier
  • cc - country code
  • cty - city
  • d - device
  • p - platform
  • pv - platform version
  • r - resolution
  • dnst - density
  • sd - duration of last session in seconds
  • tsd - total duration of all sessions in seconds
  • picture - link (internal or external) to the picture of user or avatar
  • tpa - total purchase amount
  • tpc - total purchase count
  • sessions - array with user sessions:
    • _id - session ID
    • ts - session start timestamp
    • sd - session duration
    • nts - next session timestamp (may be "" if last session)
  • events - array with user events:
    • _id - event ID
    • key - key of the event
    • ts - timestamp of event
    • c - count provided with event
    • s - sum provided with event
    • sg - segments of event
  • funnels - array with user funnel progress
    • _id - funnel ID
    • name - name of the funnel
    • steps - array with event keys for the funnel
    • step - current step which user completed
    • actionTimes - array of timestamps at which each action was completed