Get all exports created with data migration plugin
If there no records about exports, you get response: {"result":"You don't have any exports"}
In other way you get list records about your exports. Each record has multiple fields:
- id: export id. It is created combining App id form apps, which are exported. So if another export is created for same apps - this record is overwritten.
- step: Step of export process. One of:"exporting", "packing", "validating_files", "sending", "importing"
- status: Status of this export step(one of those values):
"progress","finished","failed" - progress: Value (0-100). If export is in exporting step, it shows how many % of documents are exported. (Based on count not size)
- ts: Timestamp of last update
- reason: If export is failed, there is error message.
- created:Timestamp, when export process is started
- stopped:If export process is stopped (via api on pressing button in dashboard)- true, else - false.
- only_export: True or false. true: data is only exported and not set to any other server false: exported data should be sent to other server.
- server_address: Server address, where export should be sent to.
- server_token:Token created on target server, to allow import
- redirect_traffic: True or false.Redirect traffic after data is exported on other server.
- aditional_files: True or false. If true - symbolication files are also exported
- apps: Array of app id's which are being exported
- app_names: Array of app_names for apps, which are exported
- userid:User, who is exporting data
- email:User's email(user, who is exporting data)
- log: Log name for this export. All logs are saved in countly/logs folder.
- export_path: Place, where your export is saved. If not different path is set it is in form:
{Countly path}/plugins/data_migration/export/{export_id}.tar.gz