Update user
Update user's information from values provided in args parameter as stringified JSON
The value that can be included in args are:
'user_id': { 'required': true, 'type': 'String' }, //ID of user to update
'full_name': { 'required': false, 'type': 'String' }, //new full name
'username': { 'required': false, 'type': 'String' }, //new username
'password': { 'required': false, 'type': 'String' }, //new password
'email': { 'required': false, 'type': 'String' }, //new email
'admin_of': { 'required': false, 'type': 'Array' }, //list of apps to make admin of
'user_of': { 'required': false, 'type': 'Array' }, //list of apps is user of
'global_admin': { 'required': false, 'type': 'Boolean' }, //should be global admin
'send_notification': { 'required': false, 'type': 'Boolean' } //send email notification about changes